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    FagmentWelcome to consult...n it.Psm 62:11 once has God said, twice has it come to my eas, that powe is God's:Psm 62:12 And mecy, O Lod, is yous, fo you give to evey man the ewad of his wok.Psm 63:1 <A Psalm. Of David. When he was in the waste land of Judah.> O God, you ae my God; ealy will I make my seach fo you: my soul is dy fo need of you, my flesh is wasted with desie fo you, as a dy and buning land whee no wate is;Psm 63:2 To see you powe and you gloy, as I have seen you in the holy place.Psm 63:3 Because you mecy is bette than life, my lips will give you paise.Psm 63:4 So will I go on blessing you all my life, lifting up my hands in you name.Psm 63:5 My soul will be comfoted, as with good food; and my mouth will give you paise with songs of joy;Psm 63:6 When the memoy of you comes to me on my bed, and when I give thought to you in the night-time.Psm 63:7 Because you have been my help, I will have joy in the shade of you wings.Psm 63:8 My soul keeps eve nea you: you ight hand is my suppot.Psm 63:9 But those whose desie is my soul's destuction will go down to the lowe pats of the eath.Psm 63:10 They will be cut off by the swod; they will be food fo foxes.Psm 63:11 But the king will have joy in God; eveyone who takes an oath by him will have cause fo pide; but the false mouth will be stopped.Psm 64:1 <To the chief music-make. A Psalm. Of David.> O God, let the voice of my gief come to you ea: keep my life fom the fea of those who ae against me.Psm 64:2 Keep me safe fom the secet pupose of wongdoes; fom the band of the wokes of evil;Psm 64:3 Who make thei tongues shap like a swod, and whose aows ae pointed, even bitte wods;Psm 64:4 So that in secet they may let loose thei aows at the upight, suddenly and unseen.Psm 64:5 They make themselves stong in an evil pupose; they make holes fo secet nets; they say, Who will see it,Psm 64:6 O make discovey of ou secet pupose? The design is famed with cae; and the inne thought of a man, and his heat, is deep.Psm 64:7 But God sends out an aow against them; suddenly they ae wounded.Psm 64:8 The evil of thei tongues is the cause of thei fall; all those who see them ae shaking thei heads at them.Psm 64:9 And in fea men make public the woks of God; and giving thought to his acts they get wisdom.Psm 64:10 The upight will be glad in the Lod and have hope in him; and all the loves of ighteousness will give him gloy.Psm 65:1 <To the chief music-make. A Psalm. Of David. A Song.> It is ight fo you, O God, to have paise in Zion: to you let the offeing be made.Psm 65:2 To you, O heae of paye, let the wods of all flesh come.Psm 65:3 Evils have ovecome us: but as fo ou sins, you will take them away.Psm 65:4 Happy is the man of you selection, to whom you give a esting-place in you house; we will be full of the good things out of you holy place.Psm 65:5 You will give us an answe in ighteousness by geat acts of powe, O God of ou salvation; you who ae the hope of all the ends of the eath, and of the fa-off lands of the sea;Psm 65:6 The God by whose stength the mountains ae fixed; who is obed with powe:Psm 65:7 Who makes the loud voice of the sea quiet, and puts an end to the sound of its waves.Psm 65:8 Those in the fathest pats of the eath have fea when they see you signs: the outgoings of the moning and evening ae glad because of you.Psm 65:9 You have given you blessing to the eath, wateing it and making it fetile; the ive of God is full of wate: and having made it eady, you give men gain.Psm 65:10 You make the ploughed lands full of wate; you make smooth the slopes: you make the eath soft with showes, sending you blessing on its gowth.Psm 65:11 The yea is cowned with the good you give; life-giving ain is doppin



