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澳兰芝玫瑰精油 植物精油 原产地保加利亚 厂家直销20

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最后更新: 2018-11-27 08:55
141.60元/ 瓶
10 瓶
100000 瓶

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    澳兰芝玫瑰精油 保加利亚j纯天然植物精油 澳兰芝原装正品10ml装6.1狂欢特价56.00立即购买OLANZ柠檬精油 意大利纯天然植物精油 正品保障 厂家直销30ml装6.1狂欢特价89.50立即购买澳兰芝柠檬精油 意大利纯天然植物精华 天然美白精油 直销20ml装6.1狂欢特价80.00立即购买澳兰芝玫瑰精油 纯天然植物精油 原产地保加利亚 厂家直销20ml装6.1狂欢特价108.90立即购买澳兰芝柠檬精油 意大利纯天然植物精华 天然美白精油 直销30ml装6.1狂欢特价107.00立即购买澳兰芝玫瑰精油 保加利亚j纯天然植物精油 澳兰芝原装正品30ml装6.1狂欢特价116.00立即购买澳兰芝纯天然薰衣草精油 原产地法国 澳兰芝原装正品20ml装6.1狂欢特价91.30立即购买澳兰芝薰衣草精油 法国纯天然植物精油 原装正品 厂家直销 30ml装6.1狂欢特价96.00立即购买澳兰芝玫瑰精油 纯天然植物精油 原产地保加利亚 厂家直销10ml装6.1狂欢特价70.40立即购买此模板由【超级快车】提供

    玫瑰精油被称为 “精油之后”。玫瑰花本身就是就可以用作药材。味甘微苦、性温,最明显的功效就是理气解郁、活血散淤和调经止痛。OLANZ澳兰芝玫瑰精油能调整女性内分泌,滋养子宫,缓解痛经,改善性冷淡和更年期不适。尤其是具有很好的美容护肤作用,能以内养外淡化斑点,促进黑色素分解,改善皮肤干燥,恢复皮肤弹性,让女性拥有白皙、充满弹性的健康肌肤,是适宜女性保健的芳香精油。

    【品主要成分】芳樟醇、芳樟醇、甲酸酯、香茅醇、乙酸酯、、十五烷戊醇、乙醇、甲基丁香油酚 玫瑰醚、有机酸、乙烯酯、、反式-β-罗勒烯、β-、丁香油酚等。【产品主要功效】①美白淡斑、淡化疤痕、防止皮肤老化、淡化细纹,促进细胞再生。②调理干性、敏感及缺水性皮肤,在短时间内让油性、干性、混合型的皮肤恢复到中性状态,使皮肤更有弹性和光泽。③调理和收敛血管,减轻微血管扩张造成的脸颊发红症。④调节内分泌,解除更年期障碍,调理子宫肌、女性生殖系统病症。⑤缓解焦虑、压力和抑郁,愉悦心情,帮助产妇度过产后忧郁症。⑥调节月经、促进女性怀孕。【温馨提示】孕妇、小孩、癫痫病患者或皮肤过敏者不宜使用。

    Rose Essential Oil【Featues】 .Rose essential oil enjoys the eputation of “Empess of Oils”. As a medicinal mateial with sweet yet mildly bitte flavo and wam natue, a ose has the most obvious effect of egulating flow of enegy and dispelling stagnation, activating blood ciculation to dissipate blood stasis and nomalizing menstuation to ease pain. The oil is helpful fo adjusting the female endocine, nouishing the uteus, elieving dysmenohea, impoving ual apathy and menopausal symptoms. It's paticula good fo skin beauty by diluting the feckle fom inside, pomoting melanin decomposition, impoving dy skin and estoing skin elasticity so that women have a fai and healthy skin with elasticity. Above all, the ose essential oil belongs to aomatic oils suitable fo female health.【Main Ingedients】Linalool, linalool, methyl este, citonellol, acetate, phenylethyl alcohol, pentadecane amyl alcohol, ethanol, methyl eugenol ose oxide, an oganic acid, vinyl acetate, ethyl acetate, tans type -β- ocimene, β- phenethyl alcohol, eugenol and so on.【Main Efficacy】① Whiten skin, dilute scas, pevent skin aging, fade fine lines and pomote cell egeneation.② Adjust dy, sensitive and dy skin to esume oily, dy and mixed type of skin to the neutal state in a shot peiod of time and make the skin moe elastic and shiny.③ Tone and estain blood vessel to lighten cheek edness caused by micovascula expansion.④ Endocine egulation, menopausal disode elief, uteine muscle and female epoductive system disode egulating.⑤ Ease anxiety, stess and depession to keep a good mood, especially helping mothes though postpatum depession.⑥ Regulate menstuation to pomote pegnancy.【Tips】Pegnant women, childen, patients with epilepsy o those that have an allegy aen't allowed to use the poduct.




