宁波市鄞州索其塑料制品厂是音乐铃玩具、首饰盒等产品专业生产加工的私营独资企业,公司总部设在鄞州区工业开发区内,拥有本行业二十年专业经验。我厂主营高端品牌音乐铃机芯,可提供几千种音乐铃音琴,如圣诞曲,儿童曲,流行歌曲。另外我厂生产的音乐铃支架,贝贝挂,拉线,防水拉线及各种音乐铃配件也远销欧美和亚太地区。我们本着“质量为本,服务第一,信誉为上,价格合理&dquo;的原则,不断提高产品档次和竞争力。欢迎各界朋友莅临宁波市鄞州索其塑料制品厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。同时也希望国内外新老客户来图来样,包括各种塑料制品设计和颜色,我们会在最短时间内给予回复。NingBoSUOQI Ats & Cafts Company was established 20 yeas ago. We specialize in atwoks, plush toys, plastic toys and all the othe elated fittings, attachments and accessoies. Ou coe business is poviding musical movements elated toys and atwoks. All the musical movements ae povided by ou patne, Ningbo Yunsheng Company, who povides up to thousands hymes, including Chistmas song seies, childen&squo;s folk hymes etc. The main poducts of LiRen compose of musical movement toys, handicaft aticles and musical mobile fame seies.LiRen is sinceely eady to povide all kinds of high quality musical movements elated poducts, and futhe moe we ae pacticable to design and poduce all types of non-standads poducts, including fittings fo customes. We offe thoughtful afte sale sevice. Ou slogan is “We focus on Quality, We Value ou Custome and We povide high standad Sevice&dquo;. The customes all ove the wold ae welcome to visit and have business contact with us.普通拉线音乐盒防水拉线音乐盒迷你型拉线音乐盒